Active Research: Measuring What Matters in Melbourne


Regen Melbourne’s first project together was a 9 month community-led research process that explored our collective vision for a regenerative Melbourne. This process included participatory workshops, leadership interviews, roundtables and countless hours of data analysis. The result was our foundational report, Towards a Regenerative Melbourne, released in April 2021. This initial work utilised Doughnut Economics as a framework and resulted in our co-created vision statement, a localised Melbourne Doughnut, and a roadmap for collective action.  

Next Steps

Our next phase in this research is to begin identifying metrics and indicators that can bring our Melbourne Doughnut to life. We begin this phase with a collective brainstorming of existing indicators in Melbourne that can be matched to the dimensions of our Doughnut. 

This initial work will focus on gathering and assessing existing measures and indicators that could help generate the data needed to measure what matters to Melbourne. The project aims to identify metrics, measures and indicators for each of the 23 elements of the Melbourne Doughnut.

Get Involved!

Help us identify the measures and indicators that are important to Melbourne.

This is an exercise in collective sense-making, we all need to get involved! We will also be coming together to discuss potential metrics and indicators in an online workshop, which you can register for here. 

Finally, this phase of research will act as a bridge from the Towards a Regenerative Melbourne report to our mature City Portrait work that will commence later in the year. If you or your organisation would like to get more actively involved, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

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Introducing the Regen Melbourne Lab