Regen Melbourne

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With our powers combined! Exploring the interconnectedness of our work (audio)

‘Field Notes’ is a fortnightly column in which Regen Melbourne’s Lead Convenors provide on-the-ground updates and insights from their work and focus areas.

In her latest audio Field Note, Caroline speaks with Nina about the points at which Participatory Melbourne and Regen Streets overlap, and interviews Dylan O’Donnell from Irregular Festival about what a hyperlocal festival is (and why it matters). Listen below.

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With our powers combined! Exploring the interconnectedness of our work | Regen Radio Ep. 2 Regen Melboune

Irregular Festival is a hyperlocal event of ideas and actions for people who live, work, and play in North and West Melbourne. The festival will be taking place on the 23-25 May this year.

You can access a transcript of this Field Note here.

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