Regen Melbourne Principles

In building community, co-creating research and developing ambitious collaborative projects, Regen Melbourne follows a set of principles that help guide our work and create new ways of organising. These principles initially emerged during our foundational collective research between 2020-2021 and have since been adapted.

They are an expression of how we aim to be in the world. 

  1. We are connected to place: We acknowledge and respect the living connections of the Bunurong, Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples to the lands and waters of the Eastern Kulin Nation.  We start with the people, history, culture, climate and context of this place. 

  2. We aim for transformation: We are unashamedly ambitious and bold: because we need to be.

  3. We embrace wisdom & action: We value the need for wisdom and action, and the balance between being and doing. 

  4. We think in systems and act with people: We embrace systems thinking and strive for potency, identifying and activating around the leverage points in our current system. We are hard on how the current system operates and empathic on the people who work within them.

  5. We are collaborative in practice: We follow the energy and work with our alliance to deepen our impact, together. We create safe spaces for exploring Melbourne's regenerative future, and embrace the reality and friction of collaboration in practice. And we channel energy into new and diverse spaces to ensure power and potential is shared more widely.

  6. We embody active hope: We fully appreciate the precarious state of our natural world and we embrace a mindset of urgent patience, active hope and joy. With each action we take together we gain strength, increase our sense of agency and chart a course towards a more regenerative place.

  7. We stay curious: We are curious, open and humble, sharing our learnings to unleash the power of peer-to-peer inspiration. we recognise that transitions are messy, and commit to showing the guts of the work and the system even when that reveals some uncomfortable truths

  8. We are regenerative: We center flourishing life on this planet in the interactions we have, the relationships we build, and the systems we influence. We aim to generate new and collective energy in the nested systems we inhabit and seek to influence. 

We would love to hear your feedback on these principles. Get in touch at 


The RM Lab: a research hub for systems change in Melbourne


The tools and frameworks we’ve been exploring