How Regen Melbourne is putting nature on the board: Q&A with Dr. Dominique Hes
This month, we welcome Dr. Dominique Hes to the Regen Melbourne board, where she will take on a very special role: to represent nature. Here, Dominique reflects on the opportunities and responsibilities ahead - including what nature can teach us about purposeful governance within our organisations.
A recipe for reflection: Walking Together on Global Doughnut Day
Vera Wang, friend of Regen Melbourne and a grant recipient and project lead at RMIT University, reflects on how connecting the Melbourne Doughnut with the Australian Indigenous Doughnut on Global Doughnut Day created a space to connect with Country and community.
Beyond the Data: Reflecting on the Importance of Storytelling in Sustainability Conversations
Gypsy Wright, a Bachelor of Environment and Society student at RMIT University, reflects on her student placement with Regen Melbourne.
Welcome to the jungle: Ziplining into climate change adaption
What does ziplining have to do with climate change adaptation? More than you would think. Here’s how an adventure in Laos made our Adaptive Futures Lead, Yasmina, ponder the nature of resilient systems.
We’re planting seeds in 2025
Without requiring the services of a crystal ball, there are a few things we already know about 2025: We know that it’ll have 12 months and 365 days in it. We know our global political landscape has shifted. We know we’ll be at the whims of an increasingly unstable climate, no matter where we live or our socioeconomic status. And we know, despite it all, that so many millions of us will spend the next 12 months planting seeds in the hope they might one day bear branches strong enough to hold our visions of a better world. Here, Regen Melbourne CEO Kaj Lofgren reflects on why these seeds matter now more than ever.
A year in review: Introducing Regen Melbourne’s first-ever Annual Report
As the year draws to a close and Regen Melbourne celebrates it’s fourth birthday, CEO Kaj Löfgren launches our first ever Annual Report and reflects on a year of progress, big wins, sidesteps, re-shuffles and growth for our team, partners and projects.
There’s value in change: How community is unlocking Melbourne’s regenerative potential
From our food systems to our streets, Melbourne has so much potential to become a world-leading regenerative city – one capable of ensuring environmental and economic resilience while allowing our communities to thrive. Here, Regen Melbourne’s Food Systems Lead, Dheepa Jeyapalan, explains how community holds the key to unlocking transformative change in this place.
Doughnuts for the future: Applying the City Portrait to policy and planning decision-making
How can the recommendations from the Greater Melbourne City Portrait begin to influence policy and planning decision-making across the city? Director of Regen Melbourne’s Systems Lab, Alison Whitten, explains how the City Portrait is shifting gears through 2025 and beyond.